Elon Musk's controversial X sign removed amid permit flouting and resident anger

Published 1 Aug 23 08:21 GMT by Alex Turner
Elon Musk's controversial X sign removed amid permit flouting and resident anger
Credit: @supercarblondie via X

This article is an update for an earlier story.

Giant glowing X sparks debate in San Francisco as Elon Musk's company X makes its mark

Huge luminous X erected over the San Francisco skyline, signifying the presence of Elon Musk's newly christened messaging platform.

Published 31 Jul 23 08:46 GMT

The massive and flashing "X" that adorned the rooftop - albeit for such a short time - of X headquarters in San Francisco was taken down by workers on Monday. The sign, which had caused an uproar among nearby residents and flouted permit rules, was dismantled after being up for less than three days.

Around 9 am local time, two workers were seen carefully detangling wires from the metal frame of the structure and removing its light-up panels. By midday, the imposing black "X" had vanished from the skyline, putting an end to a short-lived spectacle that had gone viral on social media.

The controversy began when the massive "X" sign was erected atop the 1355 Market St. building without proper permits and close to its edge. A city inspector attempted to access the rooftop to investigate the structure on both Friday and Saturday, but representatives from X denied him entry on both occasions.

After the sign went up on Friday, the inspector raised concerns about its safety and filed a complaint. The Department of Building Inspection initiated an investigation into the metal structure, highlighting that such sign installations require permits to ensure safety and compliance with the historical nature of the building.

Senior Building Inspector Mauricio Hernandez visited the headquarters and held discussions with representatives from X and the building's maintenance. He expressed the division's intention to investigate the matter but was denied access to the roof. A Twitter representative explained that the "X" structure was a temporary lighted sign for an event.

Despite the attempts for further inspection, access to the rooftop remained restricted. On Saturday, Hernandez's efforts to enter the premises were thwarted once again by the tenant, raising further questions about the compliance with permit regulations.

To make matters worse for those who did not approve, on the same night, Elon Musk posted a video on social media showcasing the "X" sign strobing with bright white light that reportedly disturbed nearby residents in their apartments.

In response to the mounting controversy and public concern, the company decided to take down the controversial sign. Workers in lifts carefully removed the light-up panels, making the rooftop once again devoid of any eye-catching display.

Will the removal of the "X" sign mark the end of a shortlived but tumultuous and headline-grabbing incident in the heart of San Francisco? The saga brought to light the importance of adhering to building permit regulations and respecting the concerns of the local community.

Striking a balance between innovative marketing displays and complying with city regulations is crucial to maintaining a positive relationship between businesses and the communities they operate in. The "X" sign may have come and gone, but its impact serves as a reminder that even the most influential companies must be mindful of their responsibilities as members of the urban landscape.

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