Giant glowing X sparks debate in San Francisco as Elon Musk's company X makes its mark

Published 31 Jul 23 08:46 GMT by Alex Turner
Giant glowing X sparks debate in San Francisco as Elon Musk's company X makes its mark
Credit: @elonmusk via X

Musk reveals giant X on HQ rooftop

A colossal, luminous X now adorns the San Francisco skyline, signifying the presence of Elon Musk's newly christened messaging platform, X (formerly known as Twitter). While the enigmatic billionaire's declaration of keeping the company in San Francisco was met with hope, the glowing X has sparked controversy among city officials and some residents.

Last Friday, X, acquired by Musk for a staggering $44 billion in October, proudly unveiled its "X" logo atop the roof of its Market Street headquarters. However, neighbouring residents raised objections about the intrusive lights, and San Francisco's Department of Building Inspection (BID) swiftly initiated an investigation into the structure.

Musk's announcement of keeping X in San Francisco is a glimmer of hope for a city grappling with a challenging recovery from the pandemic's toll on tourism and businesses. As more companies and retailers departed, San Francisco experienced a concerning "doom spiral," making X's decision to stay a potential catalyst for revitalisation.

The city's downtown district has been particularly affected, with job cuts in the tech sector and a downturn in tourism. Furthermore, the increase in remote work has impacted traffic, while issues with crime and homelessness have cast shadows on San Francisco's once-glowing reputation.

In a poetic declaration, Musk penned, "Beautiful San Francisco, though others forsake you, we will always be your friend," expressing his loyalty to the city that X now calls home.

However, not all San Franciscans welcomed Musk's gesture with open arms. Over the weekend, videos circulated showing the colossal X glowing, pulsating, and strobing, with some expressing concern over the display's intrusive lighting.

The BID's investigation was set into motion due to concerns about possible permitting violations. A BID inspector disclosed that X representatives denied access to the roof on two occasions when BID officials sought to inspect the logo. One of the representatives asserted that the sign was temporary, raising questions about the installation's long-term impact on the city's skyline.

As the controversy unfolds, the glowing X has become a topic of debate in the community. While some residents appreciate Musk's gesture and the potential benefits of X's presence, others are vocal about the need to respect the city's skyline and follow permitting regulations.

San Francisco's unique charm lies in its architectural beauty and cultural landmarks. As the city strives to reclaim its former glory, balancing innovation with preserving its heritage becomes crucial. Finding common ground between progress and preservation remains a challenge, and the case of the giant X is a microcosm of the broader conversation.

With the investigation ongoing, San Francisco's officials will carefully assess the impact of the X logo and whether it adheres to the city's regulations. Meanwhile, residents will continue to express their opinions, reflecting the diversity and passion that define the vibrant city.

As the pulsating X casts its glow on San Francisco's nightscape, it serves as a reminder of the power of technology and innovation. Still, it also underscores the need for a collaborative approach to shaping the city's future—one that respects its history, addresses its present challenges, and embraces the potential of a more vibrant and sustainable tomorrow.

Elon Musk's X has made its mark, not only on the city's skyline but also on the hearts and minds of San Franciscans. The verdict on the glowing X awaits, but its presence has already ignited a spark of conversation that will shape the narrative of San Francisco's ever-evolving journey.

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There is an update to this story.

Elon Musk's controversial X sign removed amid permit flouting and resident anger

Massive "X" that adorned the rooftop of Elon Musk's X headquarters in San Francisco was taken down by workers on Monday.

Published 1 Aug 23 08:21 GMT
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